Tournament Variety Puzzles Survey 1. How often do you purchase Tournament Variety Puzzles? My first purchase Occasionally Frequently Always / I subscribe 2. Why did you purchase this puzzle magazine? (Check all that apply) Attractive cover Puzzles listed in the Table of Contents It looked interesting when I thumbed through it Price Title Number of pages It was a gift Puzzles listed on the cover This is the title I usually buy The featured "Plus" Puzzle Other 2a. Other Reason:3. Are you a subscriber to this magazine? Yes No 3a. Where did you purchase this magazine?4. What other puzzle magazines do you purchase?5. How do you find the printing and type? Easy to read Too small Too light Other 5a. Other Print and Type Description:6. Are the instructions for any of the puzzles confusing or difficult to understand? Yes No 6a. Please list the puzzles for which you would like more clearly written instructions:7. How did you find the difficulty of the puzzles in this magazine? Mostly easy A mix of easy & difficult Mostly difficult 8. For each puzzle type listed below, tell us whether you always solve them, usually solve them, sometimes solve them, or never solve them:ALPHABET SOUP Always Usually Sometimes Never FLOWER POWER Always Usually Sometimes Never ALPHABET SOUP FOR TWO Always Usually Sometimes Never FRAMEWORKS Always Usually Sometimes Never ANAGRAM MAGIC SQUARE Always Usually Sometimes Never JIGSAW SQUARES Always Usually Sometimes Never BRICK BY BRICK Always Usually Sometimes Never KAKURO CROSS SUMS Always Usually Sometimes Never CHESS SOLITAIRE Always Usually Sometimes Never LETTERBOXES Always Usually Sometimes Never CODEWORDS Always Usually Sometimes Never LOGIC ART Always Usually Sometimes Never CROSTICS Always Usually Sometimes Never LOGIC PUZZLES Always Usually Sometimes Never CRYPTIC CROSSWORD Always Usually Sometimes Never MASTERWORDS Always Usually Sometimes Never CRYPTO-FAMILIES Always Usually Sometimes Never PLACES, PLEASE Always Usually Sometimes Never CRYPTOGRAMS Always Usually Sometimes Never QUOTAGRAMS Always Usually Sometimes Never DIAGRAMLESS CROSSWORDS Always Usually Sometimes Never QUOTEFALLS Always Usually Sometimes Never DIAGRAMLESS FILL-IN Always Usually Sometimes Never RINGMASTER Always Usually Sometimes Never DIAGRAMLESS DOUBLE TROUBLE Always Usually Sometimes Never SCOREBOARD Always Usually Sometimes Never DOUBLE TROUBLE Always Usually Sometimes Never SECRET WORD Always Usually Sometimes Never ESCALATORS Always Usually Sometimes Never STAR BATTLE Always Usually Sometimes Never EXTREME SUDOKU Always Usually Sometimes Never WORD DROP Always Usually Sometimes Never FIGGERITS Always Usually Sometimes Never WORD MATH Always Usually Sometimes Never FILL-INS Always Usually Sometimes Never WORD SEEKS Always Usually Sometimes Never 9. Are there other puzzle types you would like to see added to our Selected Puzzle series? (See page 57 for volumes currently available.)10. Do we provide enough information or adequately explain the solutions to our puzzles? Yes No 10a. Please list the puzzles that you would like to have better solutions for:11. How can we improve Master’s Tournament Variety Puzzles?