Content Licensing
PennyDell Puzzles is the #1 puzzle publisher in North America. We offer a variety of licensing options for print and online publications to deliver quality puzzle entertainment that satisfies clients and customers year after year.
From travel and lifestyle magazines, online gaming arenas, and puzzle apps, to book publishers, corporate and community newsletters, fundraisers and more, PennyDell Puzzles has something for everyone. Now is the perfect time to see what a difference puzzles can make with your audience!
Simply email your inquiry to to get started. For best results, include a brief description of your project or platform, audience, and circulation.
We’ll provide you with a licensing proposal to help you meet your goals for success – from Crosswords and Word Search puzzles to Sudoku, Logic, even four-color brain teasers perfect for magazines! Contact us today. We look forward to working with you.
Educational Use Program
Use of our puzzle content for nonprofit educational purposes is usually granted at no charge, on the condition that a form is signed to acknowledge our copyright. To request permission, simply download the convenient Education Use Agreement in PDF format and follow the easy instructions for completion.