Figgerits Vaue Pack-6
Enjoy over 1,200 Figgerits™ at a great savings – one of Dell’s most popular puzzles!
Reveal each thought-provoking quote as you answer the clues to break the substitution code!
Enjoy one of Dell’s most popular puzzles, Figgerits™! Your challenge is to answer the clues to break the substitution code by working back and forth between the Definitions and the Solution. Then voilà – reveal a thought-provoking quote or little truism. Enjoy six books with over 200 fun and uplifting puzzles in every volume – 1,200 puzzles in all! Hours and hours of solving entertainment for the whole family! Each 64-page volume features 7½” X 10¾” pages with easy-to-read type and plenty of room for solving notes.
(Books are shipped together in one package. Multiple value packs of one puzzle type may contain duplicates. To keep prices this low, we cannot create custom packs.)